Pavlok Shock Clock + Wristband Price Worldwide

By: Pavlok







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  • Do a full workout
  • Cook a healthy breakfast
  • 'Vibration Only' is a silent alarm clock, gently vibrating your wrist awake at your chosen time.
  • 'Vibrate then zap' will gently vibrate you awake – but make sure you get up quickly! In less then a minute, the Alarm Clock will begin to zap you.
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Never sleep through an alarm or wake up groggy again.

Can you think of a more certain way of making sure you wake up on time than knowing an electric zap is coming if you don't get out of bed right away?

Yeah, neither could we. Which is why we’ve taken everything we learned from building Pavlok and created a brand new way to kick your butt out of bed when it is time to wake up. It’s as effective as a bucket of water to the face, but without all the mess.

What would you do with an extra hour a day?

The fact is, our mornings are our most productive hours of our day. As shown by multiple studies, willpower is highest in the morning; throughout the day, we drain our willpower through "decision fatigue".

  • Do a full workout
  • Cook a healthy breakfast
  • Journal for half an hour
  • Practice a language or study something new
  • Meditate
  • Floss

BUT INSTEAD, we waste our morning groggy, hitting the snooze button repeatedly until we finally HAVE to get up or we'll get in trouble....and even then we're sometimes still late, stressed and tired. It's the WORST way to start the day. But it doesn't have to be that way.

An alarm that shocks you awake?

Not quite. The device is more than an alarm. Most alarms just remind you to wake up. The Shocking alarm clock actually trains you to wake up.

You can optionally enable 'multi-zap' – an option that lets you trigger several zaps to speed up the waking process. You can snooze the device by pressing on the button, or by hitting snooze within the app. You can turn off the alarm by holding down the button on the device, or within the app.

What features does the alarm clock have that Pavlok doesn't?

We've included all of the alarm features originally developed for Pavlok, and none of the other features that you don't need. This lets you focus purely on improving your sleep and morning routine – two of the most important things you can do to promote a healthy lifestyle.

The Shocking Alarm Clock does not have the ability to connect to other Pavlok apps, and there is no manual zap option – we wanted the Shocking Alarm Clock to be only about improving how you start your day. If you're interested in breaking other habits, you can get the full Pavlok (which also includes the alarm features) by CLICKING HERE. The Shocking Alarm Clock is the same design and form factor as the Pavlok wearable, but it only includes access to the Alarm Clock app. Other features are disabled, but you can always upgrade to the full Pavlok experience (just email support and we can explain the process).

In the Box

  • Pavlok Shock Clock + Wristband